![]() Tom Speake of Speake Software came to the Greater Valley Chamber of Commerce to talk about his area of expertise; Microsoft Office. "A lot of people say they know Microsoft Office" Tom stated noting that in reality it isn't always the truth. "As soon as people can get their jobs done, maybe not done the best, but done, they think they know Microsoft Office." What we don't realize is that there are easier and better ways to get what we need to get accomplished done. Until we know these better, more efficient ways, can we honestly say we really know Microsoft Office? While Tom Speake notes that he is Microsoft Office Certified, he explains that there's always more to learn; "every time I teach I learn something new." Perhaps this is why Speake enjoys leading courses and giving private consultations on Microsoft products. "I like giving out scavenger hunts" Speake explains stating that he gives his students lists of things to find in the Microsoft menus in order to encourage exploration. Other tips to keep in mind include being logical about where you go to look. If you're looking to find the spelling "ABC" check button, it's more likely to be in the tab labeled "review" then the tab labeled "insert". The terminology matters! If that doesn't work don't forget to check the drop down menus. More options are usually available if you can find the little downward arrows to click on. Of course as Tom says, "Practice makes perfect." Exploring Microsoft Office, taking a course, sitting in on a lecture, or even asking for a private consultation can be critical in improving your ability to get the most out of your Microsoft products. From the short session this morning alone, the room roared with similar reactions of: "Ohhh…" and "So that's how you do it!" Some of the more clever and helpful tips were followed by rounds of applause. And while it pains me to admit it, (because as a millennial I'd like to think I know everything about electronics) I learned a few new things myself as well. -Amanda Stockla, 2016 GVCC Intern |
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